Postings and Pictures of Marin 11/27/22

Universal lying has led to an individual re-awakening. If “experts” lied about COVID, what else are they lying about. This is the individual journey so many have now undertaken and discovered a new reality. Viruses have never been isolated, Viruses like atom theory, are junk science. They have been used to create fear. And fear allows experts to deceive the world, and guide it in a sinister direction. The real history of vaccines reveal an organized plan to hurt people, and change behavior. The “Spanish Flu” wasn’t Spanish it began as an outbreak in a military base where telegraph was being used for the first time. The new technology was affecting human immune systems resulting in “outbreaks” and falsely attributed to a virus and transmissible “flu”. On Twitter Nikola 3 posts, “Influenza is an electrical disease, Ever since man began to control electricity in 1746, there has been contamination of the global electrical circuit. Past pandemics followed after new electric rollouts such as electrical power lines, radar, etc. That implies drastic and rapid changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field can cause illness.” Research consensus suggests a transmissible “flu” was designed to cover for the effects this new technology was having on people. It is a complex topic recently discussed on the Stew Peters show.

Dr. Lee Merritt says, The entire narrative that people get sick from viruses is false. “It does sound like a bold claim, and I’m telling you I didn’t get here easily because I’m a classically trained Physician, I BELIEVED EVERYTHING THEY TAUGHT ME’. Stew Peters-“This is a manmade WEAPON of BIOLOGICAL WARFARE with over 25 genetic sequences and can’t possibly be some sort of CONTAGION or passed from human to human, it’s right there in the criminals own words! It’s a PSY OP, (PCR TEST) It’s a fake test and they KNOW it’s a fake test. They know they can cycle these things with a high threshold. They KNOW they can get 97% false positives, they know they can gin up the fear based on this fake test because the VIRUS NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! THIS IS A WEAPON OF BIOWARFARE! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A VIRAL INFECTION. This has been an aerosolized attack. It’s been in the things we consume, eat and drink! The United States government along with governments around the world in different countries have OPENLY DECLARED WAR ON THEIR CITIZENS! EVERY OTHER VIRUS, HAS TO BE QUESTIONED? Because this COVID-19 thing was FAKE! And nothing triggers people more than evidence put right in front of their face that proves that they were duped, and they did something to themselves that cannot be reversed…” FS